Thursday, November 27, 2008


I was able to take these photos while I was groundwater sampling in Belding. The swans did not seem to mind me being there. Nice to have some company while sampling!

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Oak Leaves

The leaves have all changed color and fallen from the trees, except for the oak which will hold their leaves most of the winter and into the spring.

More Birch Trees

It was a lovely 23 degrees and overcast when the sun finally broke through and allowed me to take some pictures.

Sunday, November 9, 2008


These two photos are from the Pictured Rocks National Lakeshore Trail.

These two photos were taken along the path to the Miners Castle overlook.

This photo is from Hartwick Pines State Park.

I was lucky in catching this little bird just as he was taking off.

I have had my eye on this little school house since early summer. I could not wait to see it with the fall colors. I was not disappointed.

Kari and I were returning from performing some yearly maintenance on my deer blind when she noticed this shot. So I backed up and took a few pictures. Good job Kari!

The Lake

These photos were taken at my favorite place in the world...the lake up north.

Elizabeth Park Bridge

These photos are of the foot bridge at Elizabeth Park. I waited for a morning following a good snow fall and headed to the bridge to get some pics.


After a very long day of work we decided to take a little unsheduled vacation time and get some photos.

Denali National Park

These photos were taken in 2007 during my visit to Denali National Park. I was beyond excited to get the opportunity to camp here for a few days and check out the park. The one thing I found out is that the park is SO immense that it was very hard to capture it on film. Here are a few that turned out ok.

Yosemite National Park

I took these photos in 2006 when I was working in California. I was lucky enough to have the opportunity to head up to Yosemite for a few days. I only had a very simple 100 dollar camera, but I was able to take a few decent shots. I couldn't decide if I liked the bottom pic in color or sepia so I published them both!

Dutch Harbor Cemetary

Landscapes of Dutch Harbor

I found this seashell when I was beachcombing by Summers Bay.
This is a photo of the spit that I took while heading up Mt. Ballyhoo.

This photo is a view from the top of Ballyhoo. I really liked the single flower clinging to the edge of the cliff.

This picture was taken at Summers Bay. After some lessons by Chris on how to use my camera and the use of his tripod I was able to capture a few good pictures of the water breaking on the rocks.


These are some of the wildflowers that I found while exploring the island. Dutch Harbor is a strange place, one day I would find a cluster of flowers fully in bloom and the next day they would be gone.

This photo is one of the wild horses on the island. They are very friendly and used to people.
I was driving up Haystack Mountain to check out the views on this clear day. I was lucky enough to be able to catch a crab boat heading out to sea.

This is the Russian Orthodox Church in Dutch Harbor, it is one of the oldest churches in Alaska.

I was found this starfish when I was fishing for salmon behind the airport.


The eagle above was on one of the stacks of crab pots that were stored on tank hill above the site that I was working at. This one let me get within 10 feet.
The eagle above is drying off his feathers after a rain, he is the other half of the pair of eagles that made the nest below.

During my first trip to Dutch Harbor last year I spent some time watching the pair of eagles make this nest. When I came back I was surprised to see two babies...definitely not the majestic eagle appearance that everyone is used to.