Sunday, November 9, 2008


These two photos are from the Pictured Rocks National Lakeshore Trail.

These two photos were taken along the path to the Miners Castle overlook.

This photo is from Hartwick Pines State Park.

I was lucky in catching this little bird just as he was taking off.

I have had my eye on this little school house since early summer. I could not wait to see it with the fall colors. I was not disappointed.

Kari and I were returning from performing some yearly maintenance on my deer blind when she noticed this shot. So I backed up and took a few pictures. Good job Kari!


~♥~ Monica S said...

I've scrolled down you page... beautiful pictures!!!!


limpingalong said...

Beautiful pictures. We don't get much fall color here on the gulf coast. I love to see trees change colors.

Anonymous said...

hey T great pics of the church and the fall color. Mike Moore. Lville